The Non-Toxic Sanitizer that Kills Coronavirus & Is in Stock

As a doctor, I know firsthand the importance of sterilizing and disinfecting. Now more than ever, during this coronavirus pandemic, sanitizing has become even more important. This is why I highly recommend this sanitizer, particularly if someone is quarantined at home. It’s a non-toxic sanitizer that kills the coronavirus & is in stock, as of today.

How it Works

Force of Nature uses basic science to create a substance that kills 99.9 percent of germs including the coronavirus. It’s a non-toxic cleaner with no added fragrances, dyes, preservatives, or surfactants. This makes it a good option for anyone with allergies, asthma, or sensitivities. (If you think that because it’s non-toxic it doesn’t work, that’s simply not the case at all.)

To make it, simply add tap water to the patented electrolyzer (sent to you as part of the starter package when you order). Squeeze in an activator capsule (included), which contains salt, water, and vinegar. Then push the button.

The electrolyzer is a device that sends an electrical current through the solution that breaks apart the molecules. In doing so, it scrambles up the elements to form two new substances. These are: hypochlorous acid, which is the germ-killing substance, and sodium hydroxide, a detergent common in cleaners.

How to Order

Just to clarify, I have no vested interest in the Force of Nature product other than wanting to help as many people as possible. (There is another product on the market that works like it, the EcoloxTech, but you need to add salt and vinegar, which is hard to come by these days, to tap water. And at almost $200, it’s much pricier.)

If you’re in need of sanitizers, order Force of Nature. The cost is $90 for a starter set that includes the electrolyzer and everything you need, except the tap water, to make plenty of sanitizer for the next month and beyond. But give your email address, and you’ll get 40 percent off your first order, so you’ll pay about $54. Check it out. It’s a brilliant invention. It’s a sanitizer that kills the coronavirus & is in stock. It can help keep you and your family safe during the current coronavirus pandemic.

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