The Different Types of Breast Revision Surgery

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States, with hundreds of thousands of surgeries conducted every year. But while breast augmentation is considered a safe and effective way to correct a variety of cosmetic issues, they are not always a life-long solution. In some cases, breast augmentations may need alterations.

That’s where breast revision surgery comes in. This procedure can correct errors that were made during the original augmentation procedure as well as changes that have occurred in the implant material or natural tissue over time.

But is this the right solution for you? To find out, learn more about what the procedure entails, the issues it can address, and who is a good candidate for this breast surgery.

What Is Breast Revision Surgery?

Breast revision surgery is the process of replacing old breast implants with new ones. You might want to have a breast revision for many reasons. If your first surgery resulted in uneven breasts or awkward nipple placement, you could have them corrected with a revision.

A revision may be desirable or even necessary due to issues arising as the old implants age.

Breast revision may be part of a breast lift procedure. Adjusting the positioning of the breasts often requires a new set of implants. Breast reduction or further augmentation will likewise require new sets of implants.

It might also be necessary to reposition one or both breasts. Implants can shift position on their own over time. Weight loss or gain, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can also cause implants to shift.

After breast augmentation, you may experience a condition called capsular contracture. This is when the capsule of scar tissue that forms around a breast implant is harder than normal. Over time, the scar tissue can start to constrict around the implant.

Once this scar tissue starts tightening, it can change the shape of the breast. It can even cause significant discomfort or pain. Breast revision surgery is often required to correct the issue.

Damage to one or both implants is the most serious reason for having a revision. If a saline implant is deflated or a silicon implant suffers a shell leak, you’ll need a breast revision to replace them.

Are You a Candidate for Breast Augmentation Revision?

The first step in planning a breast revision is having an initial consultation with your plastic surgeon. This is where you’ll discuss your issues with your current implants, your augmentation goals, and any relevant health concerns.

Before they clear you for your procedure, your surgeon will make sure you’re in good general health. Candidates for breast revision surgery should be able to maintain a stable weight. They should also be non-smokers.

You’ll need to furnish your surgeon with any pertinent details about your initial augmentation surgery. This will help meet the desired effect from your revision and reduce the risk of further complications.

After this consultation, your surgeon will outline the timetable for your breast revision surgery, including how to prepare for it.

Preparing for Your Breast Revision Procedure

Based on your consultation, your surgeon will have a set of instructions for you to follow. They may also order added procedures before you’re cleared for surgery.

In addition to a general medical check-up, your surgeon may order a mammogram. This can help predict future changes in your breast tissue and make further revisions unnecessary. Lab tests might be conducted to check for irregularities or conditions that can cause complications.

Your surgeon will also need to account for any medications you take. They’ll direct you to stop taking anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin, for example. They may also prescribe you new medications as needed.

Because breast revision surgery is an outpatient procedure, you’ll need to make arrangements for after your surgery. We can recommend several luxury hotels near both of our locations.

We can also provide private-duty nurses to tend to you at your home or hotel. They can pick you up after your surgery or meet you at your accommodations.

The Breast Revision Process

Breast revision surgery occurs under anesthesia. This can take the form of an intravenous sedative or general anesthesia. Your surgeon will recommend the best choice for you.

After you receive your medication, the surgeon will begin the procedure. There are two types of primary incisions they can use: inframammary or periareolar. The type of incision made depends on the shape of your breasts, the degree of change you want, and the type of implant used.

Inframammary incisions are made horizontally, under the folds of the breast. These are ideal for simple procedures. You probably had an inframammary incision done during your initial breast augmentation.

Periareolar incisions are more common for breast revisions. They trace around the outside of the areolas and allow for the removal of scar tissue and damaged implants. After removing that material, your surgeon can place your new implants.

What to Expect After Your Procedure

After your surgery, you’ll be given another set of instructions to follow. These will include directions for postoperative care, prescription medications, and a schedule for follow-up appointments.

Your breasts will be wrapped in bandages after the surgery to help keep the swelling down. You may experience discomfort or pain over the following days, but medication can help minimize any soreness.

Most patients can return to work within a week. However, it’s important to remember that everyone heals at their own pace. Don’t rush yourself back to your day-to-day routine.

You should avoid any strenuous activity for at least two-to-three weeks after surgery.

Like any invasive procedure, you will see some scarring where the incisions were made. These scars will fade over the next few months. Applying silicone tape can help speed up the healing process.

Finding a Qualified NYC Breast Surgery Specialist

While breast revision surgery is safe, it’s not a standard procedure. Each surgery will need to be tailored to the specific patient, their needs, and their goals. Only board-certified plastic surgeons with experience and training in all forms of breast surgery should undertake this procedure.

That’s why if you’re in Manhattan or the Hamptons, you should turn to Tracy M. Pfeifer, MD, MS, for your breast revision needs. Not only is our team certified and experienced, but we can work with you to achieve your goals. To start your journey, schedule a consultation today.

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