More Middle-Class Moms Undergo Procedures

Strategic Edge: Body-Sitting &emdash;
Sometimes diet and exercise alone can’t make a dent in the effects of pregnancy on one’s figure. The Mommy Makeover combination of cosmetic surgery procedures are gaining popularity in America’s moms.

Charlotte, North Carolina’s WBTV 3 recently reported that hundreds of thousands of the Mommy Makeover procedures are being performed each year. The women who undergo the procedure typically range from the ages of 20 to 39.

Many would think that the Hollywood elite would make up the majority of the makeover procedures, but in this case the majority of patients are middle-class mothers. They are opting to get the procedure to bring their bodies back to the way they were before they had children.

Pamela Maple, 44, is a mother who underwent the procedure and told WBTV that she hoped it would give her back her pre-pregnancy body. “I was always covering my stomach and always had a muffin top,” she said.

The Mommy Makeover can include a combination these procedures:

After her procedure, Maple stated, “I feel great. I feel like me, but I feel like a better me.” Maple’s statement fits right in with the goal of the Mommy Makeover: not to get a perfect body, but to bring your body back to the way it was before having children.

Talking With Your Doctor

As with any medical procedure doing research before making a decision is extremely important. WBTV reinforced this point saying that, “Doctors say the most important questions, however, are not about their tools but about their training.”

WBTV went on and offered the advice that even though the Mommy Makeover includes multiple procedures as a package, make sure you’re only getting the procedures that you need for your situation.

If you would like to learn more about which of the procedures associated with the Mommy Makeover will make sense for your situation, contact Dr. Tracy Pfeifer’s online, or at one of her three New York locations.

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