The Mommy Makeover: the Ultimate Body Transformation

Woman in Bikini After a Mommy Makeover
It is possible to regain your pre-baby bikini body with the Mommy Makeover.

You’re a mom—one of the most wonderful experiences of a lifetime. But giving birth, while an amazing event, can trigger changes in the body that many women are not happy with. Enter the Mommy Makeover.

The Mommy Makeover is a series of surgical procedures that I do on many of my patients—after they’re finished having children—to restore the youthful look of their bodies. The response has been tremendous.

What is the Mommy Makeover?

The Mommy Makeover includes surgical procedures that I perform during one surgery (I can also do them in separate procedures, depending on the patient, as I tailor every procedure to each person):

  • Perkier, fuller breasts: After childbirth, there’s a deflation of breast volume (e.g. you go from a D cup to a B cup), along with breast sagging due to stretching of the skin. Because of this volume loss, I add implants and sometimes even do a breast lift if there’s a lot of sagging. During a breast lift, I detach the excess skin and move the nipple higher (note: the nipple is not detached) so that it is centered on the breast mound.
  • More defined abs: So many moms, particularly those who have had more than one child, have something called diastasis rectus—a separation of the left and right ab muscles (the so-called “six-pack” muscles) that makes it virtually impossible to get rid of that pregnancy “pooch” and get flat, firm abs. No amount of exercise will correct this separation; abdominal surgery (also called an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck) is the only thing that can help. During surgery, I close up this separation and remove the excess abdominal skin that so commonly hangs over pants and panties. I also tighten up the mons pubis, that rounded mass of tissue that lies over the pubic bones; this commonly sags after childbirth, too.
  • A leaner look overall: During the Mommy Makeover, I also use liposuction selectively to reduce fat deposits in areas that don’t respond to diet or exercise. This includes fat on the back, knees, and thighs.

I work with each patient pre-surgery to tailor a look that works for her. Changing their bodies through the Mommy Makeover has helped so many of my patients regain their self-confidence—and their pre-children bodies. My patient Cindy’s experience with The Mommy Makeover, shown below, has transformed her feelings about her body and given her a self-confidence boost.

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