The Miraculous Mastopexy: What Breast Lifts Can Achieve for You


Learn about what breast lift surgery can and can’t do

For women who want to improve the shape, size, and position of their breasts, breast implants are often seen as the only solution. However, more and more people are recognizing the unique benefits of a mastopexy, also known as a breast lift.

While breast implants are still the procedure of choice for most women, breast lifts were up nearly 70% from 2000 to 2013. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that the growth of breast lifts have outpaced breast implants by a factor of 2 to 1. In 2000, there were about 50,000 breast lift procedures by ASPS surgeons. By 2013, that number grew to about 90,000.

And according to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were 290 thousand breast implants and 101 thousand breast lifts conducted in 2016. It appears breast lifts are steadily gaining ground on implants, though it’s important to note that many women decide to have both procedures, depending on their goals.

How a mastopexy is done

A breast lift can accomplish several things. First, it correctly positions the nipple areola complex on the breast, lifting a nipple that is too low. Second, it can remove excess skin. This is just like making a dress; the amount of breast skin has to match the breast volume. If there is too much skin, this leads to sagging. To correct it, excess skin is “tailored” and removed, resulting in lift and improved breast position on the chest wall – no more sagging! Finally, a breast lift can lift and shape the breast tissue itself. The goal is less sagging and more upper-pole fullness, and maintaining both lift and upper pole fullness is the fundamental challenge of a breast lift. A mastopexy procedure can use many different techniques to achieve these various goals, largely depending on a patient’s body type and the current condition of the breasts.

In some cases, the surgery will require an incision around the areola, and the resulting scar is at the perimeter of the areola. In some cases, a vertical incision will also be necessary, especially if there is a need to elevate the nipple. This is called a lollipop pattern scar, which includes periareolar scar and a vertical scar.

During the surgery, your surgeon may also sculpt the breast tissue to lift and shape it.  The incisions are closed with sutures that are absorbable. Wearing a bra 24/7 after surgery is extremely important.

Who is a candidate for a breast lift?

A mastopexy can benefit patients who are concerned about breast sagging, , loose skin, or nipple ptosis (nipple areola complex is too low on the breast), all of which are conditions commonly associated with age, smoking, pregnancy (especially multiple pregnancies), as well as other factors like significant weight gain and, of course, genetics.

What a breast lift can do

They are called “breast lifts” for good reason; the breasts will sit higher when the surgery is complete. This is an important benefit for many women with sagging breasts and can actually help bras fit better. This result is especially beneficial for mothers who have experienced changes in their breasts from childbirth. After the surgery, breasts will also be firmer, giving them a more pleasing look and feel and providing a more youthful appearance.

What a breast lift can’t do

Women who are seeking to add volume to their breasts require implants as opposed to a mastopexy. Many patients choose to have both procedures, often to offset the loss of tissue or redistribution of fat that can happen with age or pregnancy, as well as to correct any resultant sagging. Whether or not an implant is needed can usually be decided by answering the following question: When wearing a bra, am I happy with my size? If the answer is “yes,” usually a breast lift without an implant will solve the issue.

Increase your confidence and self esteem

This is what it’s all about. You deserve to feel confident, and for many women that confidence is enhanced by having an attractive, more youthful shape.

We love helping our patients achieve their goals and offer multiple cosmetic surgery options to accomplish them, including mastopexy and other forms of aesthetic enhancements. We want you to lead a fulfilling life with the health and self-confidence you deserve. Whether you are ready to opt for a procedure or you simply want more information, our office is here to help.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Tracy Pfeifer, M.D. M.S, is a board-certified plastic surgeon, trained and experienced in the most advanced cosmetic surgical procedures available today. Dr. Pfeifer is board certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery, and she completed advanced training in Breast Surgery as a Fellow at the prestigious Institute of Reconstructive Breast Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia.

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