Correcting Facial Folds With Fillers Improves First Impressions, Study Finds

It’s a well-known fact of life—first impressions matter—and any New York plastic surgeon can tell you that perceptions of physical appearance are extremely influential in shaping a person’s first impression of you.

In fact, a recent study confirms this common sense notion and shows that people are more likely to make a positive first impression and be perceived as successful in various facets of life after improving their physical appearance with hyaluronic acid fillers to correct nasolabial folds (laugh lines).

Conducted by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Steve Dayan, the study concluded that full correction of the nasolabial folds with a soft-tissue filler made of hyaluronic acid, such as Juvederm, “significantly and positively influences the first impression an individual projects.”

This determination was made after Dr. Dayan performed hyaluronic acid filler injections on 22 patients and included their images, alongside images of untreated patients, in a survey that asked more than 300 blinded participants to measure their overall first impressions and perceptions of the photographed individuals in the following categories:

  • Social skills
  • Academic performance
  • Dating success
  • Occupational success
  • Attractiveness
  • Financial success
  • Relationship success
  • Athletic success

The treated patients whose photographs were included in the survey were pictured 4 weeks after their initial filler injections, after optimal injectable filler results were achieved, and more than 5,776 first impressions were recorded.

Study findings show that the average first impression score improved significantly in all categories, including overall first impression, when photographed individuals who had nasolabial fold correction with hyaluronic acid fillers were evaluated by study participants.

If you’d like to make your first impression on others the best it can be and are thinking about correcting your laugh lines with a filler like Juvederm, Radiesse or Sculptra, feel free to contact Dr. Tracy Pfeifer with your questions to learn more about this non- invasive, no downtime way to help you put your best face forward.

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