ASPS Warns Public About Unqualified Doctors in Cosmetic Surgery

According to a recent media campaign by the ASPS, “anyone can wear a white coat, but not everyone is board certified in plastic surgery.”

The national society of plastic surgeons is spreading awareness about doctors who are performing surgery, but don’t have the rigorous training or credentials of board certified plastic surgeons.

To illuminate the problem, they shared the story of one patient who experienced complications after breast surgery.

“Despite all she’s been through, Denora Rodriquez feels lucky. She underwent surgery to have her breast implants replaced, but woke up to much more than she ever bargained for.”

“The surgeon botched her implants, causing them to merge together (a complication called symmastia). To make matters worse, during the same surgery, he decided to operate on Denora’s eyes, without her permission.”

Now she says she can’t close her eyes completely and must care for them constantly. She says she has to use medication and the experience has been “very uncomfortable.”

Dr. Steve Teitelbaum, plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, was able to fix her breasts. “We reconnected her skin over the breastbone down to the breastbone and then created two separate pockets for the breast implants, one behind each breast,” he explained Dr. Teitelbaum to CBS2 news.

The doctor also criticized the medical system that allows non-board certified plastic surgeons to perform plastic surgery. Only a few states have laws that require physicians to be transparent about their credentials, and there’s no law on a national level.

It’s up to you, the patient, to learn exactly what your doctor is qualified to do, before doing anything at all, warns the ASPS.

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