6 Things You Should Know About Abdominoplasty Surgery

Did you know that cosmetic procedures like abdominoplasty have increased by 63% since 2020? More and more people are turning to cosmetic procedures to improve their confidence and fix areas of concern such as loose skin.

If you’re considering abdominoplasty surgery, you’re likely feeling nervous about the entire process. The best way to ease your nerves is by learning everything you can about the surgery beforehand.

This guide will teach you the six essential things to know before having abdominoplasty surgery!

1. Preparation Is Key to Your Success

It’s important to remember that for tummy tuck surgery to be successful you’ll need to make some lifestyle adjustments before your surgery. Before you schedule your tummy tuck, you’ll have a consultation with your plastic surgeon to discuss factors such as:

  • Your surgery goals
  • Whether you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol
  • Your diet and exercise routine
  • Previous surgeries
  • Current medications and drug allergies
  • The risks associated with the procedure

Maintaining a healthy diet and daily exercise routine is vital before your procedure. Doing this allows you to stay healthy before the procedure, and you’ll be more likely to continue these habits afterward.

You’ll also need to stop smoking before surgery. Smoking can delay healing and increase your risk of infections at the surgical site.

Finally, your doctor may recommend you stop taking medications that increase your risk of bleeding at least two weeks before surgery. These medications include blood thinners, ibuprofen, and aspirin.

2. Tummy Tuck Surgery Isn’t Weight Loss Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery isn’t a replacement for weight loss. You’ll need to be close to your ideal body weight before you have surgery. Although a tummy tuck gives your abdomen a slimmer appearance, it doesn’t affect your appetite or metabolism. 

While you’ll end up with tighter skin and a more contoured abdomen, having this surgery won’t keep you at a stable weight. 

Additionally, the results of a tummy tuck are permanent as long as you don’t gain too much weight after the procedure. Gaining or losing too much weight can cause excess skin to return.

Therefore, you must make lifestyle changes you can stick with long-term. Think of an abdominoplasty as a significant lifestyle change in itself. Doing this will give you results you’re satisfied with.

3. There Are Different Types of Tummy Tucks

It’s important to talk to an experienced plastic surgeon about which type of tummy tuck is best to address your concerns. The different types of tummy tucks include:

  • A mini tummy tuck focuses on the lower abdomen and has quicker recovery times
  • A full tummy tuck addresses the entire abdomen along with skin and fat
  • Extended tummy tucks tighten larger areas of skin

Many tummy tucks include liposuction to help contour specific areas of your abdomen. It can also include diastasis recti repair. Diastasis recti is a condition that occurs when your abdominal muscles are weak and end up separating. Often this is a result of multiple pregnancies.

4. Tummy Tucks Aren’t for Everybody

Although you may be dissatisfied with the shape of your abdomen, a tummy tuck may not be your best option. For example, if you aren’t in good health or have certain health conditions like diabetes or heart disease, you may not be able to have a tummy tuck. 

If you have these conditions, your plastic surgeon must ensure they’re managed properly and that you have clearance from your specialists to have surgery.

Other factors that indicate a tummy tuck isn’t for you include:

  • You’re considering pregnancies in the future
  • You plan to lose more weight
  • You have excess scar tissue from previous abdominal surgeries
  • You don’t have time in your schedule for recovery

If a tummy tuck isn’t the best plan for you, don’t worry. Your plastic surgeon will discuss other plastic surgery options for you that will better suit your current health needs and lifestyle.

5. The Recovery Process Takes Time

Complete recovery from a tummy tuck can take up to 8 weeks. It’s important to plan for recovery to ensure you can schedule a break from work and other responsibilities.

Most people have drains after surgery to allow excess fluid to flow out easily. Typically these drains are left in for a few days after surgery, and you’ll need to learn how to empty these drains properly.

Since you’ll have general anesthesia, you’ll need someone to drive you home after surgery. You’ll be sore, and your activities will be limited, so it’s also essential to have someone help you at home. 

You may need to wear an abdominal binder for approximately six weeks and take an antibiotic after surgery. Be sure to discuss the recovery process thoroughly with your plastic surgeon to know exactly what to expect.

6. The Plastic Surgeon You Choose Makes a Big Difference

It’s important to keep in mind that not all plastic surgeons have the same approach. You’ll have specific goals in mind and a vision that you need to convey to your plastic surgeon. Not only does your plastic surgeon need extensive experience, but they need to be willing to sit down and listen to you.

Therefore, scheduling an initial consultation is essential to get a feel of the plastic surgeon and the office overall. Remember, an abdominoplasty is a life-changing surgery, and your surgeon will be with you throughout your entire journey.

Also, you’ll be seeing this same surgeon during your recovery period. Ultimately, you’ll want to feel comfortable discussing any concerns with your surgeon. Be sure to do your research by reading patient testimonials and looking at before and after photos. 

Talk to an Experienced Plastic Surgeon About Abdominoplasty Surgery

Now that you know more about abdominoplasty surgery, you’ll feel more comfortable taking the next steps. 

If you need to find an experienced plastic surgeon who understands your vision, you can turn to Tracy M. Pfeifer, MD, MS, for all your abdominoplasty needs. We also offer breast augmentation, body contouring, and facial procedures such as facelifts and eyebrow lifts. In addition, you can get non-surgical cosmetic procedures such as Botox, Juvederm, and Dysport.

Your first step to a confident, new you is to schedule a consultation to discuss your goals!

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